Wednesday, March 25, 2009

as the cancer slowly eats away at his body...this is why wellness is...

March 18th, 2009

Last night I was on the phone with an older but good friend. The conversation was so timely as he related to me the ravages of colon cancer and how it is ripping his body apart. My friend is in fact dying. And although it hurt to think of what he must be going through I managed to make sure the conversation was as warm, loving, and spirited as possible. We spoke for hours last night about old times and hopes for the future. It was wonderful.

Even as the tears began to stroll down my face I gained strength as my good friend told me just how well he feels inside in spite of all that is happening to him. I remembered how hard of life he lead in his young 50 years and he too recounted that he knows why he is in the position; even if the doctor claimed that there is no known cause for colon cancer. I cringed when my friend told me this. Of course there is a known reason for colon cancer! What we do to our bodies will greatly impact us if not today then certainly later in life.

My friend was traveling from London to the US when he got sick on the plane. He was so sick in fact that he couldn’t move. He was rushed to the hospital and they started to evaluate his condition. They realized that there was blockage in his colon. The cancer had already been there for some time and was just now announcing its presence with a loud voice. On further investigation they found that the buildup of matter (fecal matter that was never eliminated from the body) in his colon was rock solid and could only be removed with a drilling and water irrigation. The cancer had not stopped in the colon as it spread to his liver, to his pelvis, near the rectum and who knows what part of his body it will claim next.

In my vlog I stated that total wellness begins with the wellness of the colon. If the colon isn’t well then inevitably the rest of the body will suffer at varying degrees, but suffer nonetheless. In my friend’s case, he was a smoker, a heavy drinker, worked hard, hardly slept, ate tons of red meat (often raw as this is his culture) and hardly any vegetables. His colon has suffered years and years of abuse and has finally succumbed to cancer. Today he goes to the doctor to see if there is anything that can be done to prolong his life. I told him I’d call him later to find out what the doctor said. I only wish that he was near me so I could tend to him feeding him all the wholesome foods, herbs, vitamins and minerals, help his body cleanse as much as humanly possible…perhaps if he isn’t at the point of no return he can be saved…and I cringe to think of all the others suffering just the same without real healers to heal them.

Then I recounted a scenario earlier last week while in a Chinese restaurant with a friend who was intent on having sweet and sour soup… a mother with two young girls adamantly expressed to the man behind the corner “make sure there are no vegetables in that shrimp fried rice!!! These kids don’t eat that stuff!!” She repeated this 5 times to make sure her point was driven home. I said to myself, “this is a woman that needs to be reached.” she is setting those girls up for a life of sickness, illness, pain and most likely disease. Not that eating from this particular Chinese restaurant was the best of choices but to adamantly prohibit vegetables from the meal means these girls simply aren’t getting any fresh vegetables in their diet and their colons are already starting to suffer as a result.

I am not sure how much time my friend has left, but the good thing is that he is at peace with whatever is to come and his spirit and love for life is ever profound and rich. I am grateful for his story for it offers an opportunity to educate others on the importance of keeping their body well, their colons clean and vibrant so that life is the joy and wonderment it’s meant to be.
Colon Wellness! Well, what can I say? It seems the above personal statement sums it all up, yet I know there are those of us who will still not get it until it’s too late. You know it goes back the belief that sickness, disease and illness are all a part of life. Of course, in some regards this is true; I mean we all suffer some form of malady at some point in our lives but just how much of the suffering do we have control over? Is there anything we can to do to live healthier and more productive lives? The reason I got into this work is because I am completely fascinated by the human body and its amazing ability, and because I believe firmly that there is plenty we can do to avert the onset of sickness and disease. It is now my mission to share this information with whoever will listen and, ultimately, whoever is ready to receive this knowledge.

Many of us are way too concerned with our outside appearance to care anything about what’s going on inside of our bodies and the colon. Which, as I have stated again and again, is the seat of wellness and sickness in the body? Just imagine being a coroner who examines the recently departed, only to find a great percentage of those colons clogged by old fecal matter that was never eliminated from the body. Just think of a pipe either in a sink or a car. If those pipes are not kept clean, will that car or will that sink function properly? No!! Of course not. Neither the car nor the sink will function properly therefore, what do we do to make sure that either or better yet both of them are functioning properly? We spend good money to make sure our automobiles are running effectively and we make sure to call the plumber or the super if our sink is clogged, but, what about our colons? Don’t our colons deserve the same care and attention, if not more so, than these other items?
We still haven’t realized that colon wellness is equal to total body wellness which keeps us in this never ending cycle of chronic ailments and illness if we don’t give our body the care it needs.

Simply put if the colon is clogged, the blood is clogged; if the blood is clogged the arteries are clogged; if the arteries are clogged nutrients cannot effectively travel to the trillions of cells in the body. If cells don’t get what they need, no matter what the level of severity may be, those cells will not be able to function at optimum levels which means the tissues that they make and organs that those tissues make will not function properly as well. As a result we have problems with the various organs of our bodies functioning well. In some cases this means that an organ may simply be removed. This process of the organs being worn out doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a result of an accumulation of stress on the body that ultimately gives rise to sickness.
What can you do to ensure colon wellness? Well of course eating a whole foods diet that consists of multi-colored foods from the plant world that have not been over cooked so that the nutritional value of the food remains. Limiting your intake of animal flesh (and animal by-products) to twice or no more than three times a week, eating quality nuts and seeds and grains and drinking plenty of water (half your weight in ounces per day). You may need to add a quality enzyme that is used to help break foods down so they are actually used by the body. You may also need to take a quality pro-biotic which contains the friendly bacteria that our colons need in order to help digestion, combat harmful bacteria and maintain immunity which is essential in combating illness and disease.

The idea here is that if you eat a variety of good foods and drink good clean water you will get the many nutrients, minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, phyto-nutrients, amino acids, fats, proteins, fiber, and complex carbohydrates that are essential for good health. Not only are these key factors essential for good health but also they are essential for proper digestion of food, assimilation of nutrients, and elimination of waste, which keeps your digestive system well and your colon clean.

Colon Cleansing/ Colonics vs. Herbal Cleansing
Our bodies, when functioning in their correct environment, can and will digest foods properly and eliminate waste properly. However, most of us are in need of some assistance from colonics or herbal colon cleansing. There are many cultures around the world that practice a form of colon cleansing when the seasons change and families as a whole take an natural herbal mixture made in the form of a tea to cleanse the body of toxins and built up matter. In our culture however these practices are simply not a part of our routine but I must say it’s time to get back to basics.

Many people believe that colonics are the end all and be all of colon cleansing, but caution should be exercised if this is the route you choose to take. Colonics if done improperly and too often can cause more harm than good, as they can cause stress in the colon and the body in general, which can lead to a cascade of problems. Personally I highly recommend eating properly, exercising and seasonal herbal cleansing ‘tune ups’ to keep the body and its organ systems cleaned and running effectively. However, there are some people who are losing the ability to go to the bathroom and those people will need to get a colonic or some other procedure to clean their colons out before sickness and disease set in.
I really hope that this message resonates with you. Understanding your colon wellness is so critical to your overall health and is not something to be taken lightly.

As for my friend, well he had two choices, either get a home attendant to care for him as his body slowly deteriorates until he expires or engage in the risky and often times painful chemo-therapy to slow the cancer or stop it in its tracks, hopefully prolonging life a little while longer. At first my friend decided to undergo chemo-therapy but later as he considered the risk, the inevitable pain that was sure to come he decided to forego chemo-therapy and allow his body to progress naturally into its death and his spirit into its next phase of being. He is only 50 years old. What can I say, words can not express my heartfelt compassion for him and others suffering the same fate as there are many. I pray that I can get to him in time to see him, but 90% of his liver is covered in cancer, and we all know when the liver doesn’t function the body cannot live.

Again people, wellness is a choice you either make it or you don’t. Here’s to your wellness; each and every one of you reading this. Be well and until next week this is Tiffanydenise signing off…

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Digestive Wellness & Your Health

Digestive Wellness & Your Health
by Tiffanydenise

Digestion is one of those topics that I enjoy discussing most with people. The reason being is that I get to help open their eyes and see the shock and awe when they see how important it is to their overall health! You see, most people have health problems that are directly associated with not only the types of food they eat, but also their ability to digest food properly. It is estimated that 95 million Americans suffer from some form of digestive problem. Now out of all other ailments combined digestive problems are the leading health issue that causes people to miss work.

So what is so important about digestion and why does it carry such heavy weight in our overall wellness?

First let’s get a better understanding of exactly what digestion is. Digestion is the processes involved in the eating, breaking down, absorbing and delivery of food nutrients to various parts of the body for its many functions. It’s a very simple idea actually; whatever we feed our bodies is either digested (via the gastric intestinal track) or absorbed directly into the bloodstream (i.e. topical applications like lotions, perfume, creams, etc). Of course, certain things are safe for our bodies and others are toxic. The most intriguing aspect of digestion & colon health is that they are the end all and be all of our wellness. Why? Well, whatever is digested/absorbed in the body is used to make our bodies work. Therefore, if we consume foods that produce toxicity in the body then we are at risk for various symptoms or ailments associated with those foods. Similarly, if we consume foods that are highly nutritious then our bodies will be much less susceptible to harmful ailments and or dis-ease. See how simple it is; we really are what we eat.

With 95 million Americans dealing with some sort of digestive issue it’s certainly cause for concern. Consider those people in so called underdeveloped countries. Specifically indigenous cultures; they don’t suffer the digestive issues that we as Americans do. Now how could a country that is considered “developed” have so many people who suffer from digestive and other health issues and those in underdeveloped countries don’t? Well, people in these so called underdeveloped countries and in these indigenous cultures are healthier simply because they live off the land and they get plenty of exercise with their daily living routines. We here in our developed country suffer greatly from digestive disorders and other ailments primarily because of our S.A.D. (the Standard American Diet) that is packed full of over processed, nutritionally deficient foods topped with little to no exercise. As a result of this, many an industry has been created around digestive problems alone. Below are some of these common digestive problems:

Peptic Ulcers
Reflux (acid/ gastric)
Heart burn
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Food Allergies
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Malabsorption Syndrome
Bad Breath
Chron’s Disease
Ulcerative Colitis

How in the world did we get to the point where our digestive wellness has been compromised? Well there are a couple of things that can lead to digestive problems. Some of the key items are:

Improper food combining
Eating nutritionally deficient foods
Stress, lack of sleep
Eating to fast, Eating to late
Drinking liquids with meals
Lack of digestive enzymes needed to break foods down
Insufficient friendly intestinal bacterial that are needed for optimal digestion, immune function
and to combat unfriendly bacteria (i.e. Candida yeast).

Consider this as you begin to understand how digestion works in the body. Everything on every level…communicates. Just as you communicate with your loved ones or friends…the many cells, hormones, nutrients etc. communicate inside the body. Imagine your body as its own universe where there are many beings that work collectively for the overall well being of the organism (YOU). Now imagine that this organism (YOU), by virtue of your brain and the power that it gives you to make decisions and take direct action, are the master of that universe (YOUR BODY). Whatever the organism (YOU) decides goes inside that universe, goes; and the ‘worker bees’ of that universe have to live with your decision no matter what, and then find a way, against all odds in some cases, to make something happen with what you gave it. This is what our bodies do all the time. The body and its billions of ‘workers bees’ are simply living out their own life’s purpose which is to sustain your ability to exist in this physical state. It has been given a program or software to work with that is able to decode messages and translate them and deliver them to the proper areas in order to keep you sustained.

Unfortunately, what ends up happening a lot of the time is that when we give the body certain negative messages (synthetic, processed, empty calories, junk food, excess fried foods, soda, excess processed sugars, drugs, excess alcohol, etc.) the body is at a loss as to what do with the data! The body is actually looking for matching data/communication that coincides with its program or software.

Thankfully, because our bodies are tied to yet a greater source outside of our human understanding, they are able, in the midst of all the miscommunication, to perform to the best of their abilities to decode and process the foods whether they are healthy or not. The body and its ‘worker bees’ do all this in its attempt to keep us functioning well. The downside to this comes when the ‘worker bees’ get stressed and are no longer able to function due to the nutritionally deficient foods we continually feed it. The cells that create the tissues that create the organs of the body eventually, if not handled with care, will either begin to dysfunction or die off prematurely. This is why eating whole foods is so vital; to properly feed our cells.

Our digestive system is an intricate operation where the ‘worker bees’ each have a job to do for a specific reason. These ‘worker bees’ are needed to break food down at various stages of the digestion cycle in order for the nutrients to be utilized by the body. Here is another reason why it’s important to consume a whole foods diet. The body needs nutrients, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates in order to function properly. The body needs these components in amounts that promote the balance and wellbeing of the individual. When we eat foods that are nutritionally deficient, pre-packaged and processed on a regular basis we send a message to the body that is not in alignment with being well.

Many people take for granted that combining food properly is critical for proper digestion. Most of us are so accustomed to eating simple carbs (i.e. white bread, fries) with meat (i.e. burgers) and then adding to that cheese, vegetables, sugars & liquids (condiments, soda), a dessert (ice cream or an apple pie). Yes I have just described a typical fast food meal—I know. This is a common occurrence but, there are so many more examples. Let’s just take the case of the typical fast food meal: different foods take a different amount of time to digest in the body so combining foods that have various amounts of times for digestion can leave the worker bees stressed and unable to complete all the task given to it. This can result in bloating, gas, indigestion etc. It can also result in putrefied fecal matter built up in the colon that as we all know causes a myriad of health problems. Yes it sounds nasty but this is serious. Your digestive system can cause serious problems if not treated right so don’t take it for granted.

Just think of it this way; when the colon is clogged and not clean then neither is the bloodstream. If the blood stream is clogged then the cells are not getting optimum nutrition to thrive which means our brains aren’t getting the proper nutrition it needs to regulate the functions of the body. This means, we are clogged mentally and physically and some would say spiritually. As the old saying goes, “cleanliness is next to Godliness.” Whew!...yes colon health is associated with total wellness.

In addition to improper food combining, and eating an abundance of nutritionally deficient foods many of us also lack the enzymes needed to assist in breaking our foods down. While the body produces its own set of enzymes there are other enzymes that are critical to proper digestion and overall health that only comes from the plant world. However, they can’t be obtained from overcooked vegetables or fruits. Enzymes exist in raw vegetables and fruits and as soon as heat comes into contact with the vegetable or fruit the enzymes begin to die. To avoid killing off the enzymes lightly steaming vegetables or fruits is ideal if not eaten raw. Still since most of us don’t consume adequate servings of fruits and vegetables we can get assistance from taking digestive enzymes supplements. Papaya happens to be a very popular digestive enzyme supplement.

Our digestion is further impaired if we have stress of any kind including lack of sleep. The body’s natural reaction will be to first handle the stress that you are dealing with so needed energy doesn’t go toward digestion instead it goes to making sure your stress levels are down. Added to that still is the issue of sleep, people who don’t get enough sleep will most likely have digestion problems and slow moving metabolism (a major obstacle in losing weight) – lack of sleep is stressful on the body, and stress impairs digestion. Wow, you see how these things are all connected? It’s truly amazing!

In regards to drinking while eating, consider this example: say you have built a camp fire; what would happen if you suddenly poured water over that energy producing mechanism? The fire goes out and you have what; smoke or gas as the by-product. The same thing happens when we eat and drink at the same time. The body has enough work to do to break down the various food types you have just eaten – and now you decide to drink a liquid (water or worse something that contains sugar) what do you think is gonna happen!!! The ‘worker bees’ are gonna just say, “You know what? I give up, I’m tired and I can’t keep up with you!!!!” So now you’ll just have to deal with the gas, bloating, acid reflux, indigestion, and tiredness. Imagine years and years and years of this….

Eating too fast usually results in food that hasn’t been broken down properly in its initial stage of digestion leaving bigger molecules of food to be broken down when the food enters the stomach. Also, eating too late impairs digestion. The body needs a good 2 to 3 hours before sleep time to begin and get into the digestion process. If you eat too late you will most likely have a hard time sleeping soundly through the night and you may have a hard time getting up in the morning. So do your body a favor, give it the time it needs to begin digesting your meals before you go to sleep at night. It will make for a much happier sleep time.

Finally, we could all benefit from more bacteria!!! Friendly bacteria that is… Our GI track contains billions if not trillions of bacteria that are actually there to aid us in not only digestion but also in the upkeep of our immune systems and to ward off and defend us against unfriendly bad bacteria that can lead to various yeast problems or dis-eased states. However our S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) has lead to a decline in these friendly bacteria and we suffer because of it. Luckily we can purchase these friendly bacteria in the form of Pro-biotics that are just what the name suggest they are pro life. The two most common forms of pro-biotics are, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus. They assist our bodies in producing more of the friendly bacteria that already resides inside each of us. Care should be taken in selecting the proper pro-biotic so please, do your due diligence, before deciding on a pro-biotic that will work for you. People with compromised health conditions must exercise caution here and should consult a qualified health professional before taking a pro-biotic supplement.

So I always say give your body what it needs in order for it to do what it needs to do for you! Otherwise the body will eventually rebel and you will pay the cost in sickness, disease, premature aging and early death.

As always, wellness is a choice you either make or don’t make for yourself. Be well people until next week, this is Tiffanydenise signing off-

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Problem with Sugar...


A drug is defined as "any absorbed substance that changes or enhances any physical or psychological function in the body"

The statistics regarding how much sugar Americans consume is startling if not frightening. Only 100 years ago the average intake of sugar per person was one pound per year. Today that number has reached between 150 to 180 lbs of sugar per year! Of course you are saying, “No way, I eat that much sugar!” Well most Americans do and we are getting it from most of our food sources. Regular soda, diet soda, fruit juices, flavored waters, packaged foods and of course all sweet foods and most baked goodies. Then there are the hidden sugars found in salad dressings, breads, peanut butter, potato chips, condiments, etc. Even McDonalds, in its efforts to have “healthy” snacks, puts sugar on the apples!!!! WHAT FOR? Apples have their own natural sugar. It's really nauseating if you ask me.

There are 120 teaspoons of sugar in one pound, so it's not hard to see how quickly this can add up in the food we eat. A 12 oz. can of soda contains 8 teaspoons of sugar so four 12oz cans of soda contain ¼ pound of sugar. Some people drink a can of soda everyday or indulge in supersize drinks at fast food restaurants. See how easily this adds up? Even diet soda contains very high amounts of sugar and is linked to obesity and diabetes. We’re just talking soda here. We haven’t even mentioned all the other foods that contain these unhealthy amounts of sugar.

Refined sugar actually makes you thirsty. So what do you do? You drink more of that sugary treat! You never actually quench your thirst; you just continue to fill your body with more sugar. Now your body is becoming addicted. Now, because of your addiction, your body suffers tremendously. The body is approximately 70% water - not sugar - and least of all, synthetic processed sugar. So you are doing a complete disservice to your wellbeing by not getting adequate intake of water and instead choosing to binge on sugar over and over again.

Most of us are simply addicted to it and never realize it. At one time I was addicted to sugar so I speak from experience. We get addicted from birth consuming the formulas and other high sugary items fed to babies. Things like cow’s milk with corn syrup, baby food that contains added sugars, fun colored drinks we give to kids, children who eat a breakfast of sweet cereal with sugar, or some cake like item with sweetened juice. We can go on and on with this; you all know what I'm talking about. When we do this to ourselves and our children we are setting into effect the beginning of an addiction to sugar. As with any addiction one has to satisfy the urge of what that addiction brings them. Since we start out early with sugar addictions we don't realize the health and wellness problems associated with consuming such large amounts until we actually take it out of our diets or are forced to do so because of a health issue.

Table sugar originates from the Sugar Cane or Sugar Beet, but what happens to this natural sugar after it undergoes its chemical peel, if you will, is that it leaves us with something else entirely. Similar to what happens with rice, wheat and other grains when they are stripped during processing most, if not all, of the nutritional value of the item is gone. What's interesting about sugar is that after all the stripping what is basically left is a substance; a drug – a substance that alters the physical or physiological functioning of the body (I can't call it a food—since it has no nutrients) that provides empty calories to the body. It has the similar effect of morphine or heroin as it is shot directly into the veins for a chemical high. This is what table sugar does when consumed. It goes straight to the blood stream providing a quick high then causing the inevitable crash leaving you wanting more and more. In addition to that the empty calories that sugar contains, it is the leading cause of weight gain and obesity for many of us. Still for others, of course, is the seemingly inevitable…diabetes; a truly major problem.

Any real campaign to address obesity in this country has to be geared toward limiting the intake of sugar in the diet. Unfortunately, just as other big business goes in this country, the sugar lobbyists have their hand in keeping the truth about the negative effects of sugar from the public ears.

People who consume large amounts of alcohol (and not I'm not just talking about alcoholics) are consuming large amounts of sugar. So what's the big deal? Well, the problems begin when this synthetic substance actually enters the body. Sugar stresses the body's organs; the liver, the kidneys, the adrenals. It contributes to yeast infections, Candida, PMS, stress, inflammation, fatigue, moodiness, erratic behavior, weight gain, insecurities, baldness, attention deficits, tooth decay, allergies, bone loss, cataracts, nerve damage, depression, muscle and joint pains just to name a few.

Of course there may be several other factors contributing to the above symptoms, but trust me sugar is a major culprit in the above scenarios.

Here is a very scary fact about our sugary friend. Are you ready for this? Yeast & most parasites, which are living organisms in most of us, crave sugar!!! This is their food of choice. Please understand that your craving for sugar is due to the yeast and parasites that need it to live as well as any underlying nutritional deficiency that you may have. Let me explain that last point further so you know what is really happening. When we crave certain foods or drinks it means that the brain is seeking, based on our individual programming, a nutrient; whether it be the optimum nutrient or a synthetic off shoot. The brain only knows what we program it to know. We need sugar to live and since the brain is using 25% of the body's glucose it's easy to understand why sugar cravings exist.

The best way to address the issue of the yeast and parasites is to clean your body out so these organisms are eliminated and thus won't cause you to crave sugar.

At around 3pm on most days people have sugar lows and go straight for the simple carbs like cakes, sugary snacks and similar sweets. This is the last thing you should do. Go for an apple instead as it's much better as it will stabilize your blood sugar almost immediately without the low points that are sure to come with consuming the simple processed sugars. Apples are also nutrient rich and fibrous which is helpful in its weight loss abilities.

The Brain & Sugar
Excess sugar can also cause the brain to be starved of oxygen. Even though the brains only source of fuel is glucose (the primary form of sugar used by the body) to much processed sugars or synthetic sugars can cause the brain to atrophy (shrink). It will also cause a decline in energy production, the ability to concentrate, think and learn. Which is why children and adults who consume large amounts of sugar from all the processed prepackaged foods and sugary drinks often have a difficult time learning, behaving, concentrating, and retaining information. Their brains are simply being starved of nutrients.

Most people who obviously demonstrate symptoms of sugar addiction will comment, "oh I don't eat that much sugar", but in all reality they do because their diet consist of those sugary drinks, processed foods, foods that come in boxes, plastic bags, cans and fancy wrapping. Trust me sugar is a major ingredient.

We all know that too much sugar can produce diabetic conditions (hyperglycemia) just as too little sugar can produce hypoglycemia. When the body has to work overtime to metabolize sugar; chronic or life threatening sicknesses can arise. Most people are coping with excess sugar as opposed to too little sugar. To further explain, the hormone (insulin) and the adrenal gland hormone (adrenaline) are both used to help sugar metabolize. Energy (glucose) is used when insulin and adrenaline work to metabolize sugar. The more sugar a person consumes results in more sugar (glucose) needed to metabolize it which leads to more sugar in the blood which in turn can lead to diabetic conditions.

Sadly the marketing and public relations campaign behind sugar is so massive that people are being completely mislead about sugar and its new homeboy high fructose corn syrup (more in a future blog).

Kicking the sugar habit is like kicking any addiction; you will have withdrawals and challenges. However, if you start by giving your body a full cleanse that will not only clean up your blood, bringing it and hormone levels back in balance, you will also oust the yeast, Candida, and parasites that are thriving from you sugar intake. I caution you to take a look at your sugar intake and work to reduce it significantly if not all together; except in its natural form such as in fruits or better still complex carbohydrates like; green vegetables, whole grains, lentils, beans, root vegetables and fruits. These complex carbohydrates contain natural sugars as well as fiber and are nutrient dense. If you are diabetic then you will have to limit your intake of natural sugars as well, namely those found in fruits or white potatoes. If you like to juice and good rule of thumb, if you are diabetic or if you want to lose weight, is to juice your vegetables and eat your fruits.

Everyone should begin replacing white sugar with healthier alternatives like raw honey, maple syrup or better still agave and stevia, the latter two having very low glycemic index numbers and are thus safe for diabetics.

Remember it's what you do for yourself today that will show up so clearly tomorrow. Wellness is a choice. You either make it or you don't.

Please send your feedback or your wellness concerns that you'd like me to cover in this weekly column. The goal of this column is to provide information to people of various socioeconomic, cultural and racial backgrounds for the purpose of inspiring people to take action and necessary steps towards the wellness of themselves and the wellness of their families and communities.

Tiffany Newton "Tiffanydenise" is a board certified Naturopath and Holistic Nutritionist.